Monday, February 25, 2019

My 90-Day Bible Adventure: Part 1

I recently published my first article in a long time and several people have asked where they could find it. The first part of that article is what you will find below (I'll post the second part next week - hey, that guarantees me three posts in my blogging reboot). It was originally published in Just Between Us Magazine (Spring 2019 issue; I've been a volunteer Editorial Assistant for them for almost 20 years now and I would highly recommend you consider subscribing to this fantastic magazine for women in ministry. 

My 90-Day Bible Adventure: Part 1 
read the Bible in 90 days…and you can too (really!)

   How’s your devotional life? Did you make a resolution to read your Bible in a year? Did you leave it behind in Leviticus or ditch it in Deuteronomy? I have good news for you: you can still keep that resolution this year. Yes, you read that correctly. You can read the Bible—the whole thing—in just 90 days. I know because I’ve done it. And it was one of the best things I’ve ever done to boost my faith.

   Before you dismiss me as some super Christian who spends two hours a day in her Bible, that is not me. In fact, to be honest, I have been a Christian for 25 years, but I am ashamed to say I have never been consistent in my Bible reading. I have read the Bible through before twice—once in four years and once in two. I love studying the Bible, but reading it is not my forte. I think it stems from my dislike of reading anything more than once. I know that the Bible is living and active and new every time I read it, but it still takes great effort for me to read it consistently day in and day out.

   So, when the idea popped into my head to read the entire Bible in 90 days, I thought I had lost my mind. If I couldn’t do it in a year, how in the world was I going to do it in three months? Yet I couldn’t shake the Holy Spirit’s prompting. If I could stick to such a rigorous plan for 90 days, wouldn’t that make Bible reading a lot easier? Spoiler alert: yes!

   How can you possibly do this with a job, kids, and your crazy, busy life? Try the YouVersion Bible in 90 Days Plan created by Ted Cooper. The plan is to read approximately 12-15 chapters a day, which takes about an hour. Most of us can’t do that all in one sitting, but we can read portions throughout the day. For example, I often read a chapter or two in the morning, listened to two or three chapters on my way to work, read a chapter or two on my lunch break, listened to two or three chapters on my way home from work, and then finished it off before bed. Were there nights when I didn’t finish? Yes, but I made myself catch up the next morning or on the weekend.

   Why should you do it?

   It will give you a hunger for the Word. I found when I got to Psalms and Proverbs, I really wanted to stop and meditate on the passage, but I couldn’t do that and reach my 90-day goal. I did pick out a verse or two each day to meditate on, but my objective with reading it so quickly was to grasp more of the overarching themes of the Bible. Not being able to stop and meditate gave me a hunger to come back and read those passages more slowly the next time and incorporate them into my life.

   It will help you in teaching, mentoring, or discipling others. The whole Word of God was still fresh to me as I prepared to teach on a specific passage of Scripture that fall. It helped me plug that piece of Scripture into the greater context of the whole Bible as I taught, mentored, and discipled others.

   It is your only offensive weapon against the devil and his schemes. In Ephesians 6, we see that we have many defensive weapons: the helmet of salvation, breastplate of righteousness, shield of faith, belt of truth, and shoes fitted with the gospel of peace. But we only have one offensive weapon: the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. It’s pretty hard to wield a weapon you don’t have! When trials come and Satan whispers in your ear, it’s important to know the verses that match your situation.

   It will help you connect the Old and New Testaments better. I was recently studying the birth narrative of Jesus and His name—Immanuel—God with us. The Holy Spirit brought to mind that God’s presence was with God’s people in the tabernacle. He was with us in the physical person of Jesus as a human being. And He is with us now – indwelling His children. I had never before realized that God has been with His people throughout time in every person of the Trinity. What a glorious thought!

   It will enhance your worship of God. Now that the totality of Scripture is more familiar to me, my soul resonates with Scriptural truths and they come to mind more frequently. I can worship Him more fully and completely because I know Him better. And isn’t that the whole point of Scripture?

   What are you waiting for? Jump into the best spring read ever—the Bible! 

P.S. Let me know if you decide to embark on this adventure! You won't regret it! 
Copyright ©2019 by Cherry Lyn Hoffner. You may not reproduce this post in any form without permission. However, linking to this post is encouraged.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Heeding God's Call

“I would recommend not putting off writing 
if it’s something you feel called to: 
if you put it off, then the writing can’t do the work 
that it needs to do to you.” 
(Linford Detweiler from the band Over the Rhine)

Photo by Kaitlyn Baker 

I found the above quote in a mass email sent to me in April 2009. At the end of that same email Linford wrote, “Maybe a writer will find [this], God help her.” A writer has found it. And she does indeed need God’s help…to deal with the wave of regret raging like a torrent through her life. That email hit me right between the eyes at the time and yet I still filed the dream away for another three years without touching a keyboard. I did eventually start this blog. It lasted about 6 weeks. A year later, I restarted this blog one more time...for a month. Here I am again—more than five years later (gulp).

To be honest, I can't really give you a good reason for my long absence. Partly, it’s because I have not been following God’s call on my life. I know that we are always called to use the gifts and talents we have been given in order to build up the body of believers. For me, that call, at least in part, involves writing. Yet, nearly every day I find an excuse not to do it. I’ve been cupping my hands over my ears saying, “La-la-la-la-la-la!” and running 180 degrees in the other direction like Jonah. What’s funny is that I thought God wouldn’t notice that I had booked a flight to Tarshish.

The first whisper of this call came to me in 6th grade when I got my first A+ on a writing assignment in English class. It was a limerick about a toad crossing the road. It didn’t end well for Mr. Toad, but that A+ did something in my soul. Something came alive. Someone heard my voice…and liked it. I was the youngest in my family by ten years, I was bullied regularly, and I didn’t have a lot of friends. I felt invisible. Writing gave me an outlet; an alternate universe I could thrive in. I started writing poems in my room at night. I wrote about clouds and rainbows, a crush on Robert Redford, and kicking the butts of those bullies. I continued to pursue writing through high school and college, taking writing course after writing course, even majoring in English with a writing emphasis—yet I didn’t really do much actual writing.

Why not? The simple answer is fear. Fear shows its fangs in my life mostly through catastrophic thinking. Psychology Today defines this as “ruminating about irrational worst-case outcomes.”[1] Can anyone out there identify with that? It’s easy to write a first draft. I have about 50 blog post drafts sitting in a folder on my computer. Editing is where my perfectionism and tornadic thoughts kill them. Which word is best? Should I really keep this sentence? Does this one get my point across so that you truly understand it the way I meant it? What if I offend someone? (How can I NOT offend someone these days?) How do you perceive me? What if you don’t (gulp) like me? 😯

That’s one side of my catastrophic thinking. The other side goes something like this: if God has given me this gift, then surely He will bless it, right? So, my blog will gain attention. I’ll be so widely read that soon I’ll be laughing on the couch with Savannah Guthrie and Hoda Kotb on Today. Then Jimmy Fallon will call—personally. Publishers will line up at my door begging me to write a book—no three! Soon the blitz of media coverage and the demands to do book signings and speaking engagements will become so overwhelming I can’t breathe and then…. It. Will. End. No one will want me anymore. Someone will take my place as the “it girl” and I’ll be cast aside like an empty pop can.

Sigh. Welcome to my brain. I apologize for not giving you fair warning. But this is how I sometimes think. I have trouble staying in the moment. I am a chronic overthinker and it sometimes paralyzes me. And that’s at least partially why you haven’t heard from me in a while. I’ve let the enemy win this ridiculous battle.

Except that he hasn’t won the war. I’m not dead yet! It’s time for me to start fighting back. My heart is full of words that must be shared, even if it’s just among friends. I want to “mind my matters” with you because I believe we all process the world we live in far better if we do it out loud in the company of friends. So, this post is the start of “writing” that wrong. (My love of word play hasn’t gone anywhere!) I am recommitting myself to you and to this blog.

So here I am. If you’re new, it’s nice to meet you. If we’re old friends, bring it in for a (((hug))). Let’s process this crazy world together, shall we?

But before I sign off, this isn't just about what God is calling me to. What is God calling you to? What’s that nagging feeling you can’t shake? Does he want you to serve the poor? Forgive someone? Mentor a teen? Does He want you to drop something from your schedule so that you can help get your kid through a difficult phase in their life? Is it time to complete your college degree? Start a new business? Read 12 books in a year? Fast for 24 hours? Fix a bad attitude? Let me urge you as one who has ignored God long enough, DO IT TODAY.

You may feel like Indiana Jones in the Last Crusade walking off the edge of a cliff, but rest assured, if you’re in the center of God’s will, there is solid ground beneath you. And if you’re reading this, I just walked right off that ledge—but amazingly, I find myself standing on a more than solid Rock.

See you again soon!

Copyright ©2019 by Cherry Lyn Hoffner. You may not reproduce this post in any form without permission. However, linking to this post is encouraged.

[1] Ron Breazeale, Ph.D., “Catastophic Thinking,” Psychology Today,, accessed 5-2-16